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Simple process to create custom solutions
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RIBS provide you many in built solutions

Start Customising

Create your own work package with developer

Deploy The Solution

Solution is available in web & android platform

Low code customisation
Are you frustrated with your existing ERP?

RIBS gives you integration with google, WhatsApp, Facebook, Sendgrid. Many built in and on demand feature creation with data analytics. A low cost, low development business ready software for all your business needs

Looking for tailor made solutions?

How can we help you?

Web & Adnroid Platform
Real time analytics
Customised Solution
Google Integration

Get in touch with us

Lightening fast development

Low code development technology of RIBS creates solutions at faster rate compared to conventional menthods.

Low development cost

The development is done based on in built features of the software so overall development cost is very low.

Third party integration

RIBS is capable of integrating with any third party app through APIs. It can communicate data with most of third party platform.

Gearing your company through innovative solutions